With funds, we can do the work!
Your contribution enables us to further our mission and build a strong organization for human rights, social justice, and peace in Brooklyn and beyond. We sincerely thank everybody who has contributed, enabling our work since 1984.
Your donation will make you a member. Please email us at bfp@brooklynpeace.org if you would prefer to make a donation without becoming a member. Brooklyn For Peave is a 501-c-3 not-for-profit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our EIN # is 11-2963180. There are no monetary benefits associated with your membership. Membership runs for the current calendar year. Donations made in Dedember confer membership for the following calendar year.
Online Donations
You can make online donations to Brooklyn For Peace (formerly Brooklyn Parents for Peace). Your donation will be processed by PayPal using a secure server.
Donations via Mail
Brooklyn For Peace
388 Atlantic Ave, 2nd Floor,
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Donations via Phone
Call 718-624-5921 to make a contribution over the phone.